Friday, June 5, 2009


Well, since there's 2 weeks until my son's graduation party, I have to get this place a little spiffed up. So I am going to paint my hallway. My husband usually does all this stuff and is really particular about putting Spackle on all the cracks and such. So needless to say he'll be surprised to find it all finished. I will do the spackle thing but probably not as well as he does. Oh well. It's now or never. Bleck. I hate painting !

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


The place that takes the #5 plastics CLOSED! So for now I have a mountain of my (and my family's, coworker's) #5 plastics. They sit right next to:
#1. all my caps for AVEDA,
#2. my packing peanuts/styrofoam to take to the UPS Store
#3. clothes for Huntington Center (for disadvantaged/displaced children and adults)
#4. school uniforms to give to the resale shop at school since oldest is graduating from Catholic School

Yeah, I have a full car that hubby absolutely hates. But it's not going in the trash. Now if I could get my whole family to save their stuff for me........